By Nic DeCaire
At some point in your life, you have likely set a goal. It may have been job-related, like working for Google. Or maybe it was a challenge, such as a plan to eat at every Cracker Barrel in the country. Perhaps it was fitness-oriented, like climbing Mount Everest.
Maybe these goals are pretty lofty, but whatever the scenario, the objective is the same. A goal, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is something you try to do or achieve.
As we begin 2015, I wonder how many people have actually set a fitness goal for themselves. Better yet, how many have set a SMART goal?
What’s the difference? There’s a big one.
A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
When I first start working with a client and we talk about what they want to achieve — and how I can help them — I talk about goals. Since my goal is to make sure they achieve theirs, I have to make it real for them.
I hand them a SMART goal template, and we being to write. I urge you to do the same here. Go to and print off our SMART goal template on the homepage.
First, think of a Specific goal you want to achieve this year. Not that you want to lose 10 pounds. More like: I want to fit into my favorite pair of Lucky Brand jeans again.
Second, it needs to be Measurable. So, you’d say something like: Every Monday, I’m going to try on these favorite jeans to see if I am getting closer to my goal. In my fitness goal, I will note how they feel and how I look in the mirror.
Third, make sure this goal is Attainable. You can do this. As in, I know I can achieve this goal because this time last year I wore these jeans and they fit perfectly.
Next, your goal should be Realistic. Set yourself up for success, like this: My goal will be met because I am working with a personal trainer twice a week and started meeting with a nutrition coach again. They will help hold me accountable.
Last is Timely. This goal will be met in two months because I have planned a vacation and don’t want to buy new clothes.
Post this piece of paper on your refrigerator so you have to look at it everyday. You can also take a picture of it and post to social media so your friends can see your goal.
When taken seriously, this SMART exercise can be the difference between achieving your goals in 2015 or just talking about them.
What happens when you don’t follow a SMART plan? I know firsthand.
Last year, I set a goal to start playing soccer again. After 20 years of not playing soccer, I thought I could just walk back on the field. A pulled groin and planter fasciitis later that week told me my goal wasn’t SMART.
I hope you have an epic year now that your goals are SMART.
Nic DeCaire is the owner of Fusion Fitness Center on Main Street.